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Pricing Plan

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Starter Package

$99 /Month

Ideal for: Individuals seeking introductory coaching support and guidance in their business journey

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Standard Package

$199 /Month

Ideal for: Ambitious entrepreneurs and professionals looking for regular coaching to accelerate their growth and overcome challenges

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Premium Package

$399 /Month

Ideal for: Established business owners and executives committed to achieving significant results and maximizing their potential with dedicated coaching and support

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Customers love the ease and simplicity

"Working with Feminine Business Coaching has been transformative. Their approach helped me tap into my inner strength and intuition, guiding me to make decisions that align with my values. With their support, I've not only grown my business but also discovered a newfound sense of confidence in my abilities as a female leader."

Sarah M. Entrepreneur

"I can't recommend Feminine Business Coaching enough! Their holistic approach to business not only helped me achieve my professional goals but also enabled me to find a better balance between work and personal life. Through their guidance, I've learned to lead with authenticity, grace, and resilience, unlocking new levels of success I never thought possible."

Emily R. CEO

"Feminine Business Coaching has been a game-changer for me. Their emphasis on feminine leadership qualities like empathy and collaboration has transformed the way I approach business. I've not only seen a significant improvement in my company's performance but also witnessed a positive shift in my team dynamics. Thanks to their support, I'm now leading with purpose and making a meaningful impact in my industry."

Rebecca L. Business Owner
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KLLG st, No.99, Pku City, ID 28289

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